Friday, August 24, 2012

My ode to ginger


Feeling sick filled up my day
I didn't think there would be a way
to feel like a human being
before 12 weeks, oh how that would be freeing

I searched and search for a cure
to help me feel good and protect a baby so pure
I found lots of ideas but nothing firm
but I bought and bought in hopes of being less infirm

To my dismay they didn't work
I still felt like I was going to hork
Prescription pills were in my future
a prospect I was sad for my growing creature

Then one glorious evening when my prospects were dim
Steve arrives home with ginger he bought on a whim
Try this he says I bought it for you
in hopes that you feel better and the house will be clean too

I took it with hope for the label read
helps with nausea no need to take with bread
In one glorious half hour the light started to shine
my nausea lessened what would happen with time

I'm pleased to say I feel so much better
no more nausea it worked to the letter
so if you feel ill go in pursuit
of the magic cure that is ginger root


1 comment:

  1. LOL! Well, I saw the title of your next post so it sounds like the cure was short-lived. But I'm glad it helped for a bit!
